Synergy is...

life sciences


We are a UK based company supplying a specialised range of laboratory products and services specifically tailored to the Life Sciences, Animal IVP and Human IVF Sectors.

At Synergy, our aim is to bring together people, products and business, to make something bigger than the power achieved by working individually. Our aim is to create a network of synergies across industry to stimulate growth and innovation without restraints.

Life Sciences

Life Sciences encompass the scientific study of living organisms and their interactions, delving into their intricate processes, structures, and functions.

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Cutting-edge laboratory equipment and consumables, enabling scientists to push the boundaries of knowledge and innovation in human cell culture and pathology.

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We work closely with veterinary laboratories to supply the correct materials, equipment and technical services to ensure success in animal reproduction. 

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Also known as IVFsynergy

IVFsynergy has long been a respected name in the Human IVF laboratory sector, but after seeing significant overlap between other disciplines, departments and teams we wanted to be able to serve a wider range of disciplines.

As a trusted supplier we offer cutting-edge laboratory equipment and consumables suitable for life sciences, human IVF and animal IVP from a wide range of independent manufacturers. To better serve our customers and bring our specialised departments of Life Sciences, Human IVF and Animal IVP together we have brought everything under one home called Synergy.

Our IVF business remains exactly the same, but will just be housed within our LABsynergy website.

Our team boasts extensive experience in these areas independently, and by joining IVFsynergy and LABsynergy under the Synergy brand, we can establish a multidisciplinary approach to life sciences. This allows us to combine the best of these fields to work in synergy and maximize the overlap of resources and knowledge.

We're here to help

The Synergy Divisions operate across several life science disciplines and products in one discipline often overlap.  

Our team includes a dedicated customer service desk who are on hand to help you every step of the way with bespoke orders suiting your different laboratory requirements.

Synergy Head Office

First Floor Suite
Maritime House
Discovery Quay
TR11 3XA

Mon - Thur 8.00am - 4.00pm
Fri 8.00am - 3.00pm

General Enquiries
01872 487222

01872 487224

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